
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pisang & Hati

Maryam, guru kelas Tadika menganjurkan satu permainan yang sungguh menarik untuk murid-muridnya. Setiap murid diminta membawa beg plastik yang berisi pisang yang tertulis nama orang yang paling mereka benci ke kelas pada esok hari. Jadi, jumlah pisang yang perlu dibawa bergantung kepada jumlah orang yang dibenci.
Keesokan harinya, setiap murid membawa beg plastic berisi pisang masing-masing. Ada yang membawa tiga biji, ada juga lima biji dan paling banyak lapan biji. Semuanya sudah ditulis nama orang yang paling mereka benci.

"Sekarang simpan pisang tu. Jangan lupa bawa ke mana sahaja kamu pergi selama seminggu. Inilah permainannya. Selepas seminggu, kita akan tahu keputusannya" beritahu Cikgu Maryam.
Kanak-kanak tersebut menyimpan pisang masing-masing di dalam beg. Hari demi hari berlalu, pisang tersebut mula berbintik-bintik dan akhirnya menjadi busuk Kanak-kanak itu mula merungutdan marah. Mereka tidak menyukai permainan itu lagi kerana selain beg berat, badan berbau busuk. Ada yang menangis, enggan meneruskan permainan.

Seminggu berlalu, pagi-pagi lagi murid-murid Maryam sudah bersorak. Permainan sudah tamat. Tidak ada lagi beban dan bau busuk yang perlu dibawa.

"Okey semua, apa rasanya bawa pisang dalam beg ke sana ke mari selama seminggu?" tanya Cikgu Mayam.

Semuanya serentak mengatakan mereka benci permainan itu. Mereka hilang kawan, sering diejek dan terpinggir. Lebih teruk lagi, terpaksa tidur, makan, mandi, bermain dan menonton TV dengan bau busuk.
"Itulah sebenarnya yang berlaku kalau kita simpan perasaan benci pada orang lain dalam hati. Bau busuk kebencian itu akan mencemari hati dan kita akan membawanya ke mana saja kita pergi. Jika kamu sendiri tidak boleh tahan dengan bau pisang busuk hanya untuk seminggu, cuba bayangkan apa akan jadi kalau kamu simpan kebencian sepanjang hidup kamu" beritahu Cikgu Maryam.
Maryam mengingatkan anak muridnya supaya membuang jauh-jauh perasaan benci daripada membebani hidup. Kemaafan adalah yang terbaik. Menyayangi lebih baik darpada membenci.!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Kind Of Eyes Do You Have?

What do your eyes say about you?So, this is what my eyes say about me...

***Brown eyes***
People with brown eyes are very attractive, adorable, love to make new friends. Will do anything for that special person. Kind and polite Can make anyone laugh or cheer them up. They love to please the one they care or love for, and are the greatest kissers of all**duh!! am i?thee..heee.** You care deeply for family and are affectionate with a tendency towards seriousness.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Firstly, you have to type your full name..

According to Numerology my personality is no 4...

The Result:

Starting First Letter - D - daring one
Ending Last Letter - G - makes everyone happy

In Details:

Innovative and Healthy
Rich and Humorous
Likes Travelling

Practicality is your outstanding characteristic. Your are dependable and straightforward, known for your loyalty and honesty. You are not afraid of hard work, and you have the self discipline necessary to achieve your goals. Negative traits to watch for are stubbornness and narrow minded-ness. Don't afraid of new ideas.

In romantic relationships, you may find that it takes you a long time to find someone to settle down with. You probably don't follow any regular pattern in your relationship but become involved with different sorts of people at different times in your life. You are most compatible with those having 1, 2, 5 or 7 personalities. When you find the right mate, you care very deeply and are extremely loyal.

You are likely to choose a career that requires concentration, such as bookkeeping, or one that uses your physical stamina, such as construction. Whatever you do, you appreciate steady employment, and you are a reliable worker. You may not rise to a high position of leadership, but you will be rewarded for your skills and endurance.

Friday, October 24, 2008

What Your Name Means

I just found this website will shows you what your name means. Just type in your name. So this are the result:

You entered: diana

There are 5 letters in your name.Those 5 letters total to 20There are 3 vowels and 2 consonants in your name. What your first name means:

Shakespearean Female 'All's Well That Ends Well.' Daughter to the Widow of Florence.

Latin Female Fertile. God, devine. Famous bearers: Diana was the Roman goddess
of fertility and childbirth, of hunting, and the moon. The late Lady
Diana Spencer, often called "Lady Di", married British Prince Charles
and became Princess of Wales.

French Female From the Greek goddess of the moon.

Biblical Female Luminous, perfect

Your number is: 2

The characteristics of #2 are: Cooperation, adaptability, consideration of others, partnering, mediating.

The expression or destiny for #2:
A number 2 Expression gives you the tools to work very well with other people. Your destiny is in the role of the mediator and the peacemaker. In many ways you are dependent on others and seem to function best in a partnership or in some form of group activity. Modesty runs deep in your nature, and you can work comfortably without recognition of your accomplishments. Often, others get credit for your ideas, and this is of little real concern to your since you are such a willing team player. As you grow in this direction, you become sensitive to the feelings of others, you are ever diplomatic in handling complicated situations. Cooperative, courteous, and considerate, you have the capacity to become an outstanding facilitator. You know how to organize and handle people. You are a good detail person because you rarely overlook anything. Tactful and friendly, nearly everyone likes you.
The negative 2 personality can be over-sensitive and easily hurt. Too much of this number in your makeup can make you very shy and uncertain. Sometimes the excessive 2 energies makes one apathetic and somewhat indifferent to the job at hand; the ability to handle details is hampered in these cases.

Your Soul Urge number is: 11

A Soul Urge number of 11 means:
With the 11 Soul Urge, much of your thinking and interests relate to the abstract, the spiritual, and utopian dreams. You are motivated toward idealistic concepts, and the sharing of your ideas and concepts with humanity. This number is not one that is giving in a material or a practical sense, but rather one who desires to help mankind with a more abstract commodity such as religion, spiritualism, occult studies, or even psychic abilities.

If you possess the positive 11 Soul Urge traits, you have a dream of the perfect world; you are highly idealistic and inspirational. Your inner strength and devotion to your beliefs are extremely strong. You have a very good mind that is especially well equipped to handle the higher, more abstract forms of thought.

If there is an excess of 11 energy in your makeup, you may possess some the negative 11 traits. There is a tendency for the 11 to produce considerable amounts of nervous tension which is bought on by a very high level of awareness. You may be too sensitive and overly emotional. In some cases, these sensitivities and emotions are quite repressed, and this tends to add even more to the sense of nervousness in the makeup.

The strong 11 is not a very practical person because of the extreme idealism; often, there is a degree of self-deception present. There is usually a rather fixed idea of right and wrong held by those showing strong 11 traits, and with this very often is a resulting attitude of inflexibility.

Your Inner Dream number is: 9

An Inner Dream number of 9 means:
You dream of being creative, intellectual, and universal; the selfless humanitarian. You understand the needy and what to help them. You would love to be a person people count on for support and advice

Monday, October 13, 2008


I got tagged by no one, till, i’m going to do this..

The rules are:
a) answer the question below, do a Google Image search with your answer, take a picture from the 1st page of results, do it with minimal words of explanation; and
b) tag 5 people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question.

1. The age you’ll be on your next birthday:

2. Place you want to travel to:

3. Your favorite place:

4. Your favorite food:

5. Your favorite pet:

6. Favorite color combination:

7. Favorite piece of clothing:

8. Your all time favorite song:

9. Favorite TV show:

10. First name of your celebrity crush:

11. Which town do you live in:

12. Your screen name/nickname:

13. Your first job:

14. Your dream job:

15. One bad habit that you have:

16. Worst fear:

17: Things you’d like to do before you die:

18. The 1st thing you’ll buy if you get $1,000,000:

19. Your husband/wife:

20. What present would you like for your next birthday?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya......

I would like to wish all my muslim friends SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI...Wishing you all a joyous HARI RAYA..

Sungai disusur sehari-hari
Dalam gelap menangkap ikan
Kami meyusun sepuluh jari
Salah dan silap harap maafkan


I have a dilemma that I can't seem to figure out... I have been feeling a little overwhelmed lately. I feel worse. I’ve been crying more than a week....I just want it all to stop. I’m too afraid to do anything about it, and I don’t know what to do about it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

War inside my head....

Since last Saturday, I felt that my right brain exploded and cause horrific pain....I hate that!!!! I‘ve cried in pain more than a year....This is true pain and crying makes it worst. Sometimes I crawl into bed and cover my head with my blanket to block out all the lights and all noises. This super-migraine can bring nausea and make me sick. I think I better took the Baclofen pills. Hopefully they’ll stay away